Picking a Double Stroller or Triple Stroller for You

16/01/2012 15:43

There are so many different models of strollers available on the market these days. If you are a mom or dad of twins or triplets, then purchasing a double or triple stroller is a necessity of life. It is essential to do some research beforehand so that you can find the best stroller for you. Here are some pointers to think about before you go shopping for stroller


Seating model
Double strollers and triple strollers generally have two seats designs: side-by-side or tandem (one seat in front of the other). They each have their pros and cons, although its ussualy better to use side-by-side model when the child is at toddler age. Many double side-by-side strollers are now designed thin enough to go through doorways, nevertheless this is not possible with triple models.

Your daily activities and their duration
You will find many types and model of strollers for your every need these days; light-weight, regular, prams, jogging, and all-terrain. The activities you do will ussualy decide what type of stroller you should pick. Will you be taking the children on long trips out of town, jogging, on off-road hikes, for walks around the neighborhood, or only shopping in malls? Someday you might realize that perfect stroller that can do every thing simply doesn't exist! You just might need more than one stroller for different activity.
Also, think about about how much time will your kids be spending in a stroller? Will they be on the stroller on a daily basis or only a couple of times a week? Are they going to be in the stroller for long or short amounts of time? The durability and comfort of the stroller you purchase should reflect the amount of use it will get.

Size and weight
Strollers have a lot of different Weight and Height. The handle needs to be at the right height for the person pushing it and the base of the stroller should be a certain distance away from the body to permit a comfortable strolling or running stride. Also make sure it folds up quickly and isn't too heavy to lift and put in your vehicle. Compared to just a single strollers, the double and triple strollers are obviously heavier, but there are models that are much easier to handle than others.

Consider how big is the stroller as it can take up much space! When choosing a stroller for your twins or triplets, consider the size on your car. And don't forget to to make sure you have space to store it in your house or garage if needed.
Strollers can have a number of different features. You can pick a double or triple strollers with no frills, or with all the additional features such as;
parent and child trays, storage pockets, sunlight canopies, a rain guard, fully reclining seats, additional comfort and storage space, etc. Don't forget to do some research and list the attributes that you would like to have before buying.

Price Tag
This is probably the most important factor to ponder. Don't forget about your stroller needs in the future. Twins and triplets ussualy spend more time in strollers than singletons. What is the ammount you are willing to pay? It may be worth it to spend more cash on a comfortable, high quality double or triple stroller that will last the extra two or three years that you need rather than buying a cheap stroller that is not durable and will only last for a few months. You also might want to consider purchasing a double or triple universal carseats carrier (stroller frame) as a cheap and very convenient alternative.

If you wish to find out more, visit Baby Jogger City Mini Double or maybe Bumbleride Double Stroller to find the to find the Double Stroller Reviews.

After you made a listing of your criteria and considered all these factors, its time to research the various brands and models of double and tripple strollers that are available on the market. The Consumer reviews on internet are fantastic place to quickly obtain the info you're looking for. You might want to consider buying it directly from the manufacturer or from an web store since its could be cheaper, if the stroller you want isn't found in your area,. Make sure that you can get a full refund and return the stroller in case you aren't satisfied with your purchase.

By the arrival of the twins or triplets, your life may be getting more complicated than before. Having a reliable double or triple stroller can make outings with your little ones go much smoother. So make sure you purchase the best stroller for your family's lifestyle.